Sunday, August 23, 2009

What it do?

-Do you have a lack of immature humor and pop-culture laden bromides in your life?

-Are you lying awake at night wishing you had a place to find worthless, yet wildly entertaining information about the world around you, with a dash of Liberalism sprinkled in for good measure?

-Have no fear...(in Eagle man voice) "Ive got something for you."

Hey all...and welcome to 1-800-Schoenzy. How'd you like that horrid attempt at a witty intro. Lame right? Well let's gets the awkward & broad summary that comes with every new blog over with. This will have no set pattern, schedule, common theme, or any real substance at all. Some weeks may inspire 3 post and other may bring none. All in all it'll be more random than Hitler juggling lake trout on a unicycle. This will more than likely become a place for me to share interesting things I come across day to, movies, music, quotes, sports, photography (some of mine and some from others), books and politics will prob make up the majority of my posts. Well, that and my ridiculously biased opinions on said subject matter. I also assume my own colorful, and all be it opinionated, commentary on the world around me will work it's way into the mix...ya know, I'll inevitably dedicate an entire post to how I hate: people who don't do the fucking speed limit, people who think Micheal Bay is an Oscar worthy director, people who ride in a lane that is clearly ending just to cut everyone off, people who slap ridiculous shit on their cars in an effort to make them look more expensive, people who actually believe Sarah Palin is a good thing for America, or people who still listen to Nickelback. (as you may soon notice i get off on wild tangents quite easily) I don't expect a large following (actually I doubt many will have interest in what I have to say at all) but this will be a way for me to document my journey from the end of college into the dreaded "real world" (no unfortunately not the MTV show, which coincidentally I think I would be perfect for, except for the whole being attractive thing) To share things, sometimes interesting and sometimes immature, with my friends, given that I soon need to begin to edit and censor my fb account. I'll check back later and throw some pics up as a look back on my summer.

-Seacrest Out!-

oh, and if you get a chance, check out
(my buddy derek who's in the Middle East)
riders, drivers, & fans of AWD & RWD vehicles of all makes
(my buddy ben & his friends review movie, music, and movies)
(hilarious rants about hating everyday things)

and here are a few of my fav's
(siick chi street club)
(great car vids/dvd)
a lil sample

sunday funday from Tim Tulov on Vimeo.

and last but not least
(great photog's)

1 comment:

  1. What's poppin homie? Just noticed you had this, and I always like to know what shennanigans you're up to.

    See you soon.
