Tuesday, September 15, 2009

where were you?

I know it's a bit late, but I wrote this in my phone on the morning of Sept. 11 and didn't get around to uploading it until now-

On the 8th anniversary of the biggest tragedy on US soil, I can't help question everything. While I am not BY ANY MEANS attempting to take away anything from the 3000 innocent people and heroic Police and Firefighters that died this day 8 years ago, but in the wake of all the other deaths/murders that have come from it, maybe we should also take today to reflect on those other lives lost as well. Think of the thousands of U.S. men and women sent over seas, who lost their lives for this war. Not only that, but think of the hundreds of thousands, if not million of innocent Iraqi and Afghani civilians who have lost their lives in the midst of our war on terror. Remember when all those commercials came out..."if you do drugs, the terrorists win", "if you vote democrat the terrorist win" well how about this...

- When you're ignorant, the terrorist win-
- When you're racist, the terrorists win-
- When you hate an entire ethnicity b/c of what a few did, the terrorists win-
- When you kill innocent civilians, the terrorists win-
- When you listen to Toby Keith, the terrorists win-

Think of how much anger and hatred you felt on Sept 12 2001, for the people who you thought brutally massacred 3000 of you're fellow country men. Now imagine how deep your hatred would flow towards a country who wiped 1,000,000 people just like you (INNOCENT) off the map. Every time we kill an innocent father, we turn his sons into candidates for terror. We need to stop the bombings of villages and gatherings to hopefully take out one important target. I know we all thought Obama would CHANGE things, but I think Jeremy Scahill said it best with :

The fact is, on the ground, Obama is continuing some of the most belligerent, violent, and some would say, unconstitutional policies of the Bush administration. Bagram is his Guantanamo. They're spending 60 Million dollars to expand the place. ( in Afghanistan the airfield) they're holding people without charge in contradiction with international law. Bombing in Pakistan with these drones are indiscriminately killing civilians. Civilians are dying in Afghanistan on a regular basis, and the guy is using a quarter millions contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan right now. . . Sounds ALOT like Bush"

O.K, I will end this now before it gets away from me...


"A man faithful to the Constitution doesn't stop criticizing presidents when the letter after their names change." - bob barr

This music video is obviously not a professional video from RA, but rather a fan original. I understand that it is very graphic, but these tremendously gruesome images are some poor soul's reality.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Death Panels!!!

I'm assuming this will be a short post, but I guess all that can change with one wild rant from left field. I know my previous posts have been extremely random and unorganized, & I doubt any of that will change. The only reason for this post is to share a few things that I have been enamoured with recently. One being the monster catfish my buddy caught last night. We went to a small pond, just expecting to pull out a bluegill or two, and all of a sudden this thing hit just as were getting ready to pack it up...
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scary big right?

Now while I know this is, by no means, the biggest fish ever caught, that fact that it was pulled from a small residential pond makes this thing EPIC...After snapping a few pics and returning this behemoth to his watery home, we spent the remainder of the evening enjoying demon sweat @
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&& now for the other motivation for this post...
I came across this cover of "Knock You Down" by Keri Hilson a while ago, but after going through a few other songs, I have become a huge fan of these guys...

and this may be my favorite of their stuff

check 'em out here:



-and that's the way it is-

oh, oh, I almost forgot a quote...

"the core of man's spirit comes from new experiences"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

oprah really grinds my gears

Sorry about how random/awful that last entry was. I wasn't fully recovered, and my remedial use of the English language displayed just that. hmm . . . I think from now on I will be ending my posts with a random quote out of a notebook I've had since high school. Some will be the eloquent thoughts of authors, politicians, and teachers... and some will be random bullshit sputtered out by friends after a few too many chardonnays. Along with a colorful quote, I will also try and embed a random song that I have been listening to. I'll steer clear of most radio spun songs because who needs to hear the new Creed song again? On a completely unrelated note, why won't Creed just die already? Damn you Scott Staff, can't you just come to grips with the fact that your nasal singing ruins everything? (cept for maybe 'Higher') Just accept your role in pop culture, and take the reins of your own VH1 reality bomb already. I mean, half the people who watched Bret Michaels fill a tour bus with what looked like the waiting room of a free clinic never even liked Poison, and look how ridiculously popular that raping of prime time television was. Maybe there's hope for you yet Scott, just stay the hell off of the radio. Please no more albums, and For the Love of Ray J, please Scott, skip the crap shack self-help autobiography about the toils of success and alcohol, and how only after mending your relationship with Jesus were you able to see clearly again. I can see it now...."Can You Take Me Higher?: My Personal Experience with Jesus" by Scott Staff...I don't really know where that came from. I didn't know I held so much contempt for Mr.Staff. Random. Well, I spent my Labor Day being sick. Awesome, right? Well maybe not the entire weekend. Sunday brought a block party for a buddies 21st, and Monday was spent casting lures into a body of water. I'd say I was fishing, but that would imply fish were actually involved in the activities. The biggest fish caught was:

and I can't even take credit for it. My buddy caught it.
Oh, and I came across a few interesting scenes this past week...and here they are:

old diablo


some asshat apparently found what he thought was a faster way out of the lot(if you look closely only one of the tires is touching the ground!)



Anyways, since I am currently battling off the aforementioned bronchitis I might post again before the end of the week...we'll see...

-Peace up, A-town down-

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in Politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors" -Plato-

And now for some phat beat$

i love the strings featured in this song

"I know we facin a recession But the music yall makin gonna make it the great depression"
"Get back to rap you T-Pain’n too much"
i'm pretty sure i could be t-pain with enough auto-tune


i just came across this and felt like i just had to share.