Tuesday, September 8, 2009

oprah really grinds my gears

Sorry about how random/awful that last entry was. I wasn't fully recovered, and my remedial use of the English language displayed just that. hmm . . . I think from now on I will be ending my posts with a random quote out of a notebook I've had since high school. Some will be the eloquent thoughts of authors, politicians, and teachers... and some will be random bullshit sputtered out by friends after a few too many chardonnays. Along with a colorful quote, I will also try and embed a random song that I have been listening to. I'll steer clear of most radio spun songs because who needs to hear the new Creed song again? On a completely unrelated note, why won't Creed just die already? Damn you Scott Staff, can't you just come to grips with the fact that your nasal singing ruins everything? (cept for maybe 'Higher') Just accept your role in pop culture, and take the reins of your own VH1 reality bomb already. I mean, half the people who watched Bret Michaels fill a tour bus with what looked like the waiting room of a free clinic never even liked Poison, and look how ridiculously popular that raping of prime time television was. Maybe there's hope for you yet Scott, just stay the hell off of the radio. Please no more albums, and For the Love of Ray J, please Scott, skip the crap shack self-help autobiography about the toils of success and alcohol, and how only after mending your relationship with Jesus were you able to see clearly again. I can see it now...."Can You Take Me Higher?: My Personal Experience with Jesus" by Scott Staff...I don't really know where that came from. I didn't know I held so much contempt for Mr.Staff. Random. Well, I spent my Labor Day being sick. Awesome, right? Well maybe not the entire weekend. Sunday brought a block party for a buddies 21st, and Monday was spent casting lures into a body of water. I'd say I was fishing, but that would imply fish were actually involved in the activities. The biggest fish caught was:

and I can't even take credit for it. My buddy caught it.
Oh, and I came across a few interesting scenes this past week...and here they are:

old diablo


some asshat apparently found what he thought was a faster way out of the lot(if you look closely only one of the tires is touching the ground!)



Anyways, since I am currently battling off the aforementioned bronchitis I might post again before the end of the week...we'll see...

-Peace up, A-town down-

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in Politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors" -Plato-

And now for some phat beat$

i love the strings featured in this song

"I know we facin a recession But the music yall makin gonna make it the great depression"
"Get back to rap you T-Pain’n too much"
i'm pretty sure i could be t-pain with enough auto-tune


i just came across this and felt like i just had to share.

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